“Plant edits were great, thank you.” – Julie Dando, Wild Nature Press, 2018 [re RHS Spectacular Plants & how to grow them]
“Lovely, thank you Rowena, this reads so much better.” – Julie Dando, Wild Nature Press, 2018, [re part of the Essential Guide to Rockpooling]
“Thanks for having done such a great job!” – Colin Speedie, author, A Sea Monster’s Tale, 2017
“Congratulations on another great issue of the magazine [Wild Cornwall, summer 2017] which I think is by far the best so far. I really do like the new style and particularly the front cover. It’s a triumph Rowena. Thank you – Dee Reeves, Trustee, Cornwall Wildlife Trust
“My 4-year-old rarely lets us read him anything else now he has the book! Well done!” [The Wildlife Adventures of Super Fox]
“Just thought I’d say how inviting and attractive this [Wild Cornwall magazine, 2014] is. Congrats to whoever’s behind the blend (people & wildlife / words and pics ‘ science and place / marine and terrestrial / etc.) – feels really well balanced.” – Director of Regional Programmes, South West Wildlife Trusts